Our Blog

2021 Web Wrap-up

21 December 2021

Website design and development is a constantly evolving and innovating field both in terms of the practice and the solution it produces. Therefore, we've made a 2021 look back on the top trends we've seen and expect to see in the web world!

2021 Microsoft 365 Wrap-up

21 December 2021

Collaboration and communication processes are more important than ever to ensure productivity for each individual workers, and their wider organization. Check out our M365 wrap-up for some top tips!

Why you should move to Modern SharePoint?

16 November 2021

SharePoint provides  a digital workplace that allows businesses to communicate and collaborate effectively. SharePoint lets you control access to information and automate workflow processes across the business in addition to powerful document management.

The X Factor: User Experience in 2022

05 November 2021

In our last blog, we kicked off the X Factor Digital Transformation series in which we gave a broad overview of User, Employee and Customer Experience. In this blog, we’ll be delving deeper into User Experience and the trends we can expect to emerge and develop in 2022.

Sitecore DXP: Personalisation for Health websites

21 October 2021

Personalisation in the Healthcare field is transforming the digital experience of patients, in a sector which has often lagged behind other consumer facing fields. Whilst private health has had the resources to optimise its digital offering for many years, it has been slow, potentially because it has matched the service offered by public health.

Hyper-Personalisation: the Future of Banking

21 October 2021

The increased need for an effective digital offering in the past two years has compelled companies to consider how to better serve their customers online. Consumers demand tailored offerings that deliver personalised services, products and pricing to their individual needs.

The Hybrid Working Paradox

13 October 2021

Microsoft’s research shows employees want more in-person time with their team but also want to keep the flexibility of remote work. This report has shown that, ultimately, every person is different.

The X Factor: User, Employee and Customer Experience explained

12 October 2021

To make money and stay relevant, organisations have always had to understand how to satisfy external customer needs, build loyalty, and keep their workforces motivated. Now that both customers and employees have moved online, these processes have in turn become digital.