Our Blog

Supporting your new remote workforce

11 October 2020

A question a lot of us are asking ourselves is whether the remote workforce is the ‘new normal’ as many employees have been forced out of the office and into working from home.

Why Intranets are so important, now more than ever.

29 August 2020

As a result of COVID-19, many companies have turned to communication and collaboration platforms like the intranet, to help them use tools such as Microsoft Teams to facilitate collaborating and working together whilst geographically dispersed.

Sitecore vs WordPress

27 August 2020

This blog post outlines some of the key differences between Sitecore and WordPress and provides insights into which would be the best platform for your business.

Artificial Intelligence in the workplace

12 August 2020

AI is changing every aspect of our lives including our working lives. Soon even those who don’t work for technology companies will find AI ever more present in their working environment. This blog post runs through the ways in which AI is transforming the workplace for the better.

What makes a good website?

08 July 2020

So, what makes a good website? Here are nine key factors that should be considered when building a website for your business.

What is SEO and how does it work?

27 May 2020

Currently, 93% of all digital journeys start with search engines, which should ring alarm bells for organisations that aren’t currently adopting SEO in their digital marketing strategy. But how does SEO work and how do organisations secure those top spots on Google search pages?