Why you should move to Modern SharePoint?

SharePoint provides  a digital workplace that allows businesses to communicate and collaborate effectively. SharePoint lets you control access to information and automate workflow processes across the business in addition to powerful document management.

Modern SharePoint has been available since late 2016, however, some organisations have been slow to move to the new User Interface from SharePoint Classic. While some are just reluctant to make big changes to their modern workplace, some Classic features like “the content query web part” and “the search web part” are popular and do not have equally powerful modern equivalents. It is also possible to customise the look and feel of Classic SharePoint to a greater extent than Modern, however, this does not overcome all of the improvements made by Modern SharePoint.

The Modern environment offers innovative and useful solutions to some of SharePoint Classic’s usability issues and provides what feels like an entirely new user experience.

Why move to SharePoint Modern?

Microsoft’s aim with SharePoint Modern was to make it easier for user to create dynamic and innovative sites and pages that are mobile-ready. The benefits you get with SharePoint Modern include:

It’s easy to personalise. Users can arrange items however they want on the page and create a great looking website in minutes with Modern’s easy editing capabilities

It’s faster. In Modern SharePoint, most of the page is created in the web browser, everything is cached on the user’s computer and loads as quickly as an installed program. Modern SharePoint’s framework is hosted outside of SharePoint servers so pretty much only the content needs to be retrieved from the SharePoint servers.

It’s flexible. Classic SharePoint is based on lots of small hierarchies called site collections. These hierarchies are very inflexible, and particularly difficult when organisations change. Modern SharePoint isn’t constrained by these hierarchies and is built to scale as organisations change.

It’s more secure. A Classic SharePoint site will run any script you put on it, even one that gathers private information about users or approves actions without permission. This can pose a number of risks so, on Modern, by default you can't just drop a script on the page. Your IT department will be able to easily set their own security parameters.

So what is SharePoint Modern?

Modern SharePoint is the newer platform, built for SharePoint Online as part of Office 365. Overall, it is faster, easier to use and has been optimised for mobility. Microsoft is investing heavily in the Modern experience, with all new SharePoint sites being Modern by default. Modern offers a seamless, unified and responsive experience for businesses. 

Useful new features include:

  • Modern sites are integrated with Office 365. This integration means that users can set up calendar lists, task lists and announcements. It is also important to note that creating, navigating and using a Modern team site is faster and more responsive than a Classic Team site.

  • The Modern homepage now features news, quick links, and site activity capabilities. It also automatically displays recent activity like files that have been uploaded, changes that are made, and lists and libraries that have been created.

  • Using the News feature, users can quickly create and share posts, from announcements to status updates with compelling graphics. The News feature in Modern provides a more dynamic experience compared to what is available in a Classic site. Additionally, with the new Audience Targeting tool, you can easily match the most relevant news and information to the right audiences.

The latest user interface still supports navigation, themes, and custom buttons that are available in the current classic experience. SharePoint Modern helps you to easily create out-of-the-box responsive sites and site collections. The focus is given for its mobile responsive technology and every modern site is an individual site collection under sites managed path.

Final Thoughts

Microsoft will continue to make investments in the Modern platform which will only add to its advantages. It makes SharePoint sites more secure, easier to manage, and much simpler to edit and update. Modern SharePoint eliminates many of the issues with classic SharePoint and delivers a great user experience. ClerksWell has extensive experience in helping our clients migrate complicated custom environments from Classic SharePoint to Modern. If you would like to modernise your digital workplace , speak to one of our experts!

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18 June 2024

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