EasyShare leads the way in Clearbox 2019

This is the third year in a row that we have appeared in the Clearbox report with our intranet product EasyShare. Such longevity is rare in the ‘intranet-in-a-box’ marketplace, something we are more than a little proud of.

ClearBox Consulting is an independent consultancy specialising in the business challenges of the digital workplace. Their annual SharePoint intranets in-a-box report is internationally recognised as the foundation for intranet shopping.

The report is an independent comparison of leading intranet add-ons for SharePoint and

Office 365 tools and recognises the major shift from bespoke, custom build intranets to a productised solution that can be deployed quickly and is more intuitive to use. The ClearBox evaluations are based on both a demonstration and a questionnaire about key features of each product, including technical requirements, support offered and how the product can be launched for an organisation.

EasyShare in top European choices

The rolling evolution of our product has been admirably acknowledged by the canny

Clearbox people – applauding us last year for our pioneering hybrid options and this year for our innovative embrace of Modern Sharepoint.

The Clearbox 2019 report also put EasyShare in top European choices, highlighting us as “a good option for UK customers” and praised our comprehensive analytics option, “EasyShare is notable for close integration with CardioLog”.

Voice of the Customer

This year the report included a new section called ‘Voice of the Customer’ where some of our clients were invited to give feedback on the product as well as the team. We can’t give too much away but just a hint that we were named “one of the best suppliers we work with” by one of our customers.

EasyShare was the first SharePoint intranet in-a-box when it was released in 2012. More than one hundred clients later, we are thrilled that Clearbox’s report recognises EasyShare as the preeminent solution for Sharepoint and Office365 intranet projects.
If you have a SharePoint or Office365 project coming up, please get in touch or purchase ClearBox Consulting’s 600 page comprehensive report available now at $595 Approx. £465+VAT / €525 in EU.

Contact us today to talk about using Modern SharePoint in your organisation.

We work in partnership with your team to plan, implement or enhance your digital strategy for SharePoint and Office 365.