Umbraco vs Drupal

Creating the best website can be confusing. It’s a head-to-head battle with different options competing. It can be difficult to decide what content management system (CMS) is best suited for you. But who will win the fight for your chosen CMS?

Both Umbraco and Drupal are popular CMS’s which are free, flexible and user friendly. But what makes them different from each other? This blog will outline the differences.

What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open-source CMS written in PHP. The Drupal CMS is simple, is SEO friendly and has many plug-ins available.

What is Umbraco?

Umbraco is also an easy to use, open-source CMS built on Microsoft. NET. It was created to take away all the complex understanding needed to create an elegant website. It’s a flexible software which allows the user to design the website however they imagine, enabling them to add and edit pages easily. Umbraco’s a CMS which developers enjoy and companies like ABPI and ASA trust.

Let the fight begin! Which CMS will come out on top?

Round one – editing

Drupal allows for easy content editing. Its new update has many new features, including the drag-and-drop image feature. However, it can be difficult to understand how to do it. Meaning users must rely on the worldwide community to offer guidance. When your website becomes more complex, it can highlight other issues with Drupal, a Drupal uses a single list to represent all of the content. When there are hundreds of pages, it becomes impossible to track all of the content.

However, editing in Umbraco is seamless. It has a clear organisation which makes it very simple to use even with large amounts of pages. You can move any images or multi-media wherever you want on your webpage. Umbraco’s uniqueness is in the Responsive Preview, which allows you to preview your webpage before it is published live, allowing you to tweak any teething issues.

Round two – community

Both Drupal and Umbraco have large communities which offer support, tips and instruction videos, which allows new start-ups to gain knowledge to transform them into experts in their CMS. Umbraco even has a festival which allows users to meet-up in the coolest way.

Round three – security

Umbraco cloud is hosted by Microsoft which is very secure. Microsoft .NET has constant security monitors, so your data remains protected, by combing through each layer of code to ensure there are no vulnerabilities.

Drupal has the ability run of many different cloud options. But without Microsoft .NET’s thorough security it does mean it’s more vulnerable to hacking which jeopardises the security of the sites information.

Round four – updates

Umbraco cloud sites are automatically updated to ensure you have the latest version of their software. Allowing your website to be running the best that it can.

On the other hand, Drupal doesn’t have an auto update feature which again decreases the security of your site. Without the most recent updates, there could be potential security bugs which are not fixed.

So who won the fight?

Truly, it all depends on the purpose of the website you want to create. But, in our opinion, if you want a dependable and secure website, then we would suggest Umbraco.

Did Umbraco win your battle for your chosen CMS? Here at ClerksWell, we know how to maximise Umbraco. We can help you work out every detail of your new website or of the re-platforming process. Please get in touch here.

Sitecore 10.4 Released!

18 June 2024

Read more about Sitecore's recent release of version 10.4 as evaluated by Sai Makala, one of our Sitecore experts.