What does Umbraco have in store with the upcoming release of Umbraco 9?


Umbraco 9 is almost here. Chalked in for a release in Q3, you will naturally be wondering what changes, updates, and ideas the developers over at Umbraco have been working on. Well, it would seem that Umbraco 9 is arriving with only one major change. However, this one change has been a major undertaking for Umbraco and will be great news in terms of flexibility for current developers using the Umbraco CMS, as well as those perhaps looking to migrate. 

“Two things are key in the CMS industry - flexibility and ease of use” says Umbraco CEO Kim Sneum Madsen in a recent company blog post, which ponders the future of CMS. Flexibility, at the very least, is a central tenet Umbraco seem to be reinforcing in their ninth iteration of their popular CMS. Umbraco are moving their architecture from the .NET Framework to .NET Core and, while that may sound to the layman a fairly unremarkable change, it is potentially huge news in the web developer sphere. This change means that the Umbraco CMS can now operate using the macOS and Linux operating systems, alongside any other operating system that .NET Core supports. 

Further, Umbraco have stressed, since the announcing the new CMS, that this update will be a ‘feature complete’ release. This means that all of the features available in version 8.14.1 will be fully available for use in 9.0. Umbraco 8.14 arrived with brand new tools including a new media picker, improved validation notifications for WIP content, and an improved Block List Editor. We covered all of Umbraco’s new features since 8.0 here. Currently Umbraco 9 is available in beta and is scheduled for release soon. 

So, it would appear that the ‘friendly’ CMS has just got a whole lot friendlier for those who rely or use operating systems other than Windows. 

ClerksWell is a digital agency based in London. We are Gold partners with Umbraco, meaning we have demonstrated extensive expertise and knowledge using the platform. If you are interested in seeing how we can develop and design a web solution for you using Umbraco, please do not hesitate to get in touch here or on 020-7689-8800. 

Sitecore 10.4 Released!

18 June 2024

Read more about Sitecore's recent release of version 10.4 as evaluated by Sai Makala, one of our Sitecore experts.