Sitecore vs Kentico

Companies looking to build and improve their websites often face a dilemma around which content management system (CMS) to use; Sitecore or Kentico. We know that choosing a new platform is a big decision for any company as there is a lot to consider. Which has the best features? How secure is it? What support is available? How scalable is the platform? and so on.

In this blog, we aim to help make that decision of choosing between CMS platforms feel slightly less daunting. By comparing Sitecore and Kentico’s pros and cons, we can help you make the right decision for your company.

What is Sitecore?

Sitecore is one of the world’s leading CMS platforms. It originated in Denmark, where it was first introduced to the market in 2001. From there, it has grown from strength to strength to become an extremely successful global business, that supports some of the world's most trafficked websites and companies, like EasyJet and L'Oreal.


Sitecore: Pros and Cons


Personalisation - One of Sitecore’s most notable features is its ability to see where customers have come from, what pages they have previously visited and the emails they have opened. This provides companies with a deeper insight into their customer's behaviour, allowing them to produce a more personalised digital experience, that increases their chance of converting! What’s not to love?!

When creating a website for Smart Energy, we utilised personalisation strategies to keep their site customer-centric as well as promoting the adoption of smart meters.

Content Management - Sitecore and Kentico’s content editors are both easy to use and provide the standard scheduling, editing and other tools you’d expect to find in a modern CMS platform. However, we love Sitecore that bit more as it goes one step further with its ability to publish content across multiple sites with one single authorisation, making it much easier for you to use, as well as saving time and money.

Scalability – Sitecore is designed to work over multiple territories as well as increasing audience volumes, giving businesses all the room, they need to grow.

We continue to work with Smart Energy GB to make sure that their website is fully scalable, providing them with the knowledge and tools to adjust the site in accordance with their changing requirements and traction across their Smart Energy meter campaign.



The price tag - A Sitecore website comes at a slightly higher cost than that of other basic CMS providers as each Sitecore build is entirely bespoke and customised to meet each individual company’s needs and requirements.

Complexity and skill set - Building a website on Sitecore requires a certain level of expertise. Here at ClerksWell, we have a number of expert Sitecore developers who have a wealth of experience across numerous projects, so you’re in good hands!


What is Kentico?

Kentico is a CMS platform and an all-in-one marketing solution for building websites, online stores, and intranets. Like Sitecore, Kentico was founded in the early 2000s and has grown to become an industry leader.

Kentico: Pros and Cons


Easy-to-Use interface – Kentico is easy and simple to use, despite its many features. Website developers, content editors and all others involved are easily able to edit content, update and streamline operations, helping to make their website more productive and efficient.

Customisation features- Kentico’s extensive sets of features and tools allows companies to build their website with their brand and vision in mind.

Price: Kentico is much more cost-effective if you’re looking to build a simple website, however, the price does vary depending on a business’s level of requirements, quickly increasing with the number of features and users. It is a good option for businesses restricted by budget and resources, with limited plans to grow.



Lack of Updated Products – competing CMS systems have more advanced technologies and up-to-date products keeping users running off high-quality technology and information.

Community: In comparison to other CMS’s Kentico has a relatively small community, which means that forums can be less reliable and therefore, not the best source to seek support. For those using the free license, this may be the only form of support they have available.

Sitecore Vs Kentico: Which Platform should you choose?

As you can see both Sitecore and Kentico would make excellent platforms for most companies. When choosing between CMS platforms it is important that you consider your organisations goals and long-term digital strategy. If you’re a smaller business with small growth prospects, Kentico may be a good option for you. However, if your company is looking for a full-proof platform that has the infrastructure to grow with your business Sitecore would be your best choice – get in touch here to book a Sitecore consultation today.


Think Sitecore, Think ClerksWell

Sitecore 10.4 Released!

18 June 2024

Read more about Sitecore's recent release of version 10.4 as evaluated by Sai Makala, one of our Sitecore experts.